Affiliate Program
The Hamilton Community Foundation is host to two regional affiliates. Affiliates receive financial and administrative services, marketing support, on-going training and technical assistance from HCF staff. This is a tool for communities to establish a local “foundation” – without the burden of IRS filings, federal and state regulatory compliance, and investment management.
Each affiliate foundation is governed by its own local advisory board and works with people in their communities to make a difference. Affiliate Funds start with local people who comprise of a volunteer Advisory Board that grow funds for their community. These funds strengthen communities in perpetuity and are backed by the credibility and expertise of the Hamilton Community Foundation.
As an affiliate of the Hamilton Community Foundation, each entity is overseen by a committee of local leaders charged with educating their neighbors about creating a “charitable savings account” to benefit the affiliate’s community and making decisions about grant distributions based on an individual affiliate’s priorities.

In March of 2022, local community leaders in Ross came together to create the Ross Community Foundation (RCF) to support the charitable activities of the Ross community.
“Our goal is to improve quality of life and strengthen the community of Ross now and for generations to come,” said Martha Mehl, Chair of the Ross Community Foundation.

Fairfield Community Foundation
The board of trustees of the Fairfield Community Foundation announce the affiliation with the Hamilton Community Foundation effective July 1, 2022. This affiliation will enhance charitable services to the Fairfield community by way of additional resources and support from the Hamilton Community Foundation.