How the Community Foundation Partners with Local Nonprofits Organizations.
Nonprofit organizations play an essential role in our society. They provide vital services and programs that support the community and individuals in need. However, running a nonprofit organization can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to financing and fundraising. That is where the Hamilton Community Foundation comes in.
The Community Foundation offers services like endowment investment management, and gift facilitation for over 25 different non-profits in the community, in addition to other tools that help organizations receive and effectively benefit from gifts. YWCA Hamilton is a mission dedicated to eliminating racism and empowering women since 1902. They were one of many deserving recipients to receive a surprise grant of a million dollars from billionaire philanthropist Mackenzie Scott. Their Board of Directors entrusted the allocation of these funds to the Hamilton Community Foundation. Wendy Waters-Connell, CEO and Executive Director of the Hamilton YWCA, noted that entrusting the Hamilton Community Foundation with making these investments allowed their team to focus on other work in the community, like helping families fleeing domestic violence, housing chronically homeless disabled individuals, and building empowered youth to be strong leaders in the future.
Endowment expertise is just one role the Hamilton Community Foundation plays in assisting the YWCA Hamilton. The Foundation also plays a key role in supporting generous donors, like Paul & Ella Hugus, who give estate gifts or other assets to worthy nonprofits like the YWCA Hamilton. The Community Foundation, in turn, stewards and invests these assets, ensuring they are wisely maintained so their value has maximum potential for long-term growth.
“Our board determined it would take $40 million in an endowment to operate our entire mission without additional funding. Our partnership with the Foundation allows us to work toward this goal by managing these gifts from the Hugus & Scott families; we’d like both of our funds to support our mission in perpetuity,” explains Waters-Connell. Waters-Connell has personal connections to the Community Foundation as well - a scholarship through the HCF helped her attend Miami University’s nursing program.
This system of support has led her to make sure YWCA Hamilton receives something as part of the Waters-Connell family’s legacy. Their future gift is a way to perpetuate the work she every day to eliminate racism and empower women.
“They have been such a good friend to the YWCA Hamilton; a full-circle, full-life foundation of giving to strengthen our community,” Waters-Connell says. “I have a strong commitment to the Hamilton Community Foundation and all the historic philanthropists who have made a difference in our community. Any time I can stand up and support this organization, I’m happy to do so, helping to build the next generation of givers.”
This story was a part of our most recent Update to the Community. Find out more about what we have been working on in the full report linked here.