
About Us

A Legacy of Achievement.  A Future of Possibilities. 

Foundation Staff

Financial Information

Strategic Plan

Benefits of Agency Endowments 

Foundation Publications 

Our Mission, Vision and Rich History

Join our Team! Be apart of something amazing!

If you are looking for an opportunity to make a difference, HCF is is your place! Our team is what makes us so successful, and working at HCF allows you to work with some of the best! Our staff is passionate about making a difference in our community and helping to make our communities an even better place to live.

Please see below for open positions. 

Communications Manager

Built on a solid foundation.

Created in 1951, The Hamilton Community Foundation, located in the historic Lane-Hooven House in Hamilton, Ohio, manages 900 individual, family and corporate funds, as well as nonprofit agency endowments. As a public charity with $140 million in assets, we focus daily on helping make our community a better place to live, work and play.

Today, we are the largest community foundation in Butler County, helping donors transform their passions into powerful giving.

Lane-Hooven House
Board of Trustees

Each member of our Board of Trustees has a deep personal commitment to the Hamilton area. They lead The Hamilton Community Foundation through their expertise, their knowledge of our community, and their passionate belief in the power of philanthropy to change lives.

The Board establishes policy, sets priorities and makes final decisions to authorize grants.  All Trustees are volunteers who serve without pay for three-year terms.


Robert Long, Chair

Retired, Miami University

Andrew Schuster, Vice Chair

President, Matandy Steel and Metal Products

Cynamon Trokhan, Secretary

Attorney, Parrish, Marcum & Trokhan, Co., LPA

Jason Crank, Treasurer

Partner, United Health Insurance Companies


Chamina Curtis

Lecturer, University of Cincinnati

Catherine Evans

Attorney/Director, Millikin & Fitton Law Firm

Vaden "Woody" Fitton

Retired, Great Miami Valley YMCA

Scott Kruger

Attorney, Kruger & Hodges Attorneys at Law

Helen "Niki" Motley

Community Volunteer

Susan Vaughn

Retired, Miami University

Mitchell Vocke

Chief Lending Officer, Universal One Credit Union 



David L. Belew - Trustee Emeritus

Retired President, Beckett Paper Company

Lee H. Parrish - Legal Counsel

Attorney, Parrish, Marcum, Hirka & Trokhan Co., LPA

John Guidugli

John Guidugli




Beeler Pond Miami Woods 2015

As a public charity, the Hamilton Community Foundation makes a point of operating in an open and transparent manner. We take our obligation to our donors, community groups and the public at large very seriously. Our federal tax returns, such as IRS Form 990, as well as audited financial statements, investment managers/fees and other related documents are available by contacting the Foundation office at (513) 863-1717. 

To meet our mission to "Build a better community through creative philanthropy, vision and leadership," we are continually planning for the future. Click here to review our 2025-2028 Strategic Plan.

Hamilton Community Foundation sign

Many local nonprofit organizations turn to the Hamilton Community Foundation to manage their charitable funds.  This type of fund is called an Agency Endowment. An agency endowment is a long term fund held and managed by the Foundation on behalf of a nonprofit organization. The nonprofit organization receives annual distributions for unrestricted use. The fund is technically owned by the Foundation on behalf of the agency.

Hamilton Community Foundation's Youth Philanthropy Committee (YPC) is a group of 20 students from Badin, Hamilton, New Miami and Ross high schools. Foundation staff and local educators serve as the group's advisors.

YPC student members learn to:

  • Research community issues and needs affecting young people
  • Plan and conduct meetings effectively
  • Make decisions based on teamwork and group consensus
  • Evaluate the merits of grant proposals
  • Make decisions to approve or decline grant proposal

2024 - 2025 YPC Members

Riley Bowling, President

Hamilton High School 

Hazel Culver, Vice President

Hamilton High School

Carly Christen, Secretary

Hamilton High School

Connor Hartford, Recruitment Chair

Stephen T. Badin High School

Josie Halverson, Community Service Chair

Stephen T. Badin High School

Cailey Cruea, Communication/Needs Assessment Co-Chair

Ross High School

Caroline Davis, Communication/Needs Assessment Co-Chair

Ross High School


Stephen T. Badin High School

Maren Bultman             

Logan Karwisch                    

Hamilton High School   

Carson Christen

Briella Combs  

Sophia Mancuso

Jasper Roberts    

Ross High School 

Lauren Brudzinski

Ellie Fogt

Josiah Lynch

Danielle Schulte 

Maddi Sheets 

New Miami High School 

Jacob Curtis


If you are interested in becoming a member of YPC, please complete the application and return all documents by Monday, February 10, 2025.

Organizations supported by our grant making

2023 YPC Grants

YPC Grant recognition guidelines


If you would like to learn more or apply for a grant from the Youth Philanthropy Committee, please click here.

The Hamilton Community Foundation seeks new ideas and approaches our work with flexibility, enthusiasm and an entrepreneurial spirit. Our publications tell the stories of generous donors and of the impact of our work.  

You will find current and past Foundation annual reports and newsletters in PDF format below. The documents require free Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If you would like a printed copy of these documents, please call us at (513) 863-1717 or email [email protected]

We also invite you to enjoy the Hamilton Community Foundation-related videos below. 

Lane-Hooven House
Lane-Hooven House


Building a better community through creative philanthropy, vision and leadership.


Continue to be the trusted resource for growing philanthropy and leading change to improve our community.


It all started on Christmas Eve of 1951, when a small group of friends gathered to sign incorporation papers establishing the Hamilton Community Foundation. Those founders were: Cyrus J. Fitton, William Murstein, Huntington V. Parrish, Frederick A. Reister, Robert M. Sohngen, William J. Wolf and W. Otis Briggs, Jr. 

The Hamilton Community Foundation is a result of the interest and efforts of this small group of civic-minded Hamiltonians who envisioned a non-profit, charitable organization to help improve the quality of life for the community and its citizens

An initial gift of $5,000 from William Murstein started the Foundation on its way. Growth came slowly. It took 15 years for the organization to accumulate $500,000, but in recent years – as more and more citizens have learned of the Foundation and its work - the Foundation's assets have grown rapidly. 

The same spirit of humanity which inspired the founding fathers still motivates thousands of people today to contribute time, money and effort to continue our Mission and Vision.

How do we do this?

Awarding millions in grants and scholarships annually. We work to address issues of concern in our communities, such as social and health issues affecting children and families, education as well as supporting community revitalization. We solve problems, develop partnerships and provide leadership to help build lasting, positive change in the community.

Giving donors the power of a private foundation without the administrative burdens.  They appreciate the access to expert advice and professional services of our staff and financial management capacity of an institution managing $140 million in total assets. Donors to the Hamilton Community Foundation have the confidence that they are receiving maximum impact for every dollar granted.

Following Sound Policies and Practices. The Hamilton Community Foundation is in compliance with the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations administered by the Council on Foundations, a membership body of more than 2,000 grant making foundations and giving programs worldwide. This affirms our commitment to financial security, transparency and accountability.

Vice President
Katie Braswell

Katie Braswell

Vice President



 Foundation Assets





HCF’s Total Assets




Total Contributions




Total Grants




Investment Policy Statement

2022 Annual Report to the Community

Why organizations turn to HCF to manage their charitable funds:

  • The Foundation has a long history of permanence and respect; a fund at the Community Foundation can provide additional credibility to assure major donors their gifts will be permanent and well managed.
  • Individual organizations’ funds reap the benefits of our $140 million investment portfolio  that has consistently outperformed benchmarks – they are fully diversified and include investment products that may be inaccessible to smaller funds. The end result is more money available to support your organization.
  • Organizations can choose to protect the historic dollar value from potential invasion by a future Board or allow future boards to request the full transfer of the fund.
  • Conflicts of interest around investment management are eliminated  since the Community Foundation manages all fund investments.
  • The Community Foundation can accept non-cash gifts such as stock, real and personal property, and insurance policies to benefit your organization’s fund.
  • We have extensive experience in planned giving  and a variety of ways to help donors structure gifts to benefit your organization. We are available to consult with you or your donors about planned gifts and provide educational opportunities for your staff and board to continue their learning on the subject.

For more information, please contact us.

Vibrant, Cohesive, Connected!

A Legacy of achievement. A future of possibilities. Like other community foundations, The Hamilton Community Foundation operates in perpetuity.  Generous gifts made to the Hamilton Community Foundation continue to grow -- providing resources for our community, forever!

We invite you to learn about us, our grant making, and how to join our family of donors!

signage fall

The Lane-Hooven House: A Timeless Treasure 

The Lane-Hooven House was built in 1863 for Clark Lane, a Hamilton Industrialist and often thought of Hamilton’s first philanthropist, by James Elrick, Hamilton builder. The house,which because of its octagonal shape is widely regarded as Hamilton’s most unique residential structure, was sometimes called “Lane’s Folly.” Construction began in 1863 and took 11 months from commencement to completion. The doors were always open for every charity and aid society. The largest entertainment numbered more than 300.

Clark Lane’s company, Owens, Lane and Dyer, prospered mightily. The company manufactured a new mechanical marvel that could thresh and separate grain in one operation (both horse-drawn and steam-powered), a springtooth riding or horse-drawn rake, and, above all, the “road engine”, a steam engine that could be moved from place to place to power farm machinery.

In 1866, Lane built another octagonal building across the street from his home, this one in the Romanesque Revival style. It was to be used as a free public library.

Clark Lane married Sallie Coriell on Christmas Day 1845. To Clark and Sallie were born nine children, six of whom did not survive childhood. Mr. Lane moved to Elkhart, Indiana in 1892 to live with his son, Jacob. He died on September 4, 1907. Clark Lane’s funeral was held at the Lane Library and he was buried in Greenwood Cemetery.

The Lane-Hooven House was purchased in 1875 by John L. Martin, then president of the Second National Bank of Hamilton.

In 1882, the house was sold to Colonel Alexander Gordon, who was born in England in 1840. Colonel Gordon was secretary and later president of Niles Tool Works of Hamilton. The house was then occupied, and later inherited by Colonel Gordon’s niece, Mrs. C. Earle Hooven and her husband from 1895 until 1942.

Bertrand Kahn bought the home in 1942 and gifted it to the City as a memorial to his father, Lazard Kahn, for community use. Mr. Kahn stipulated, however, that for the duration of World War II, the Red Cross was to have use of the building. The Red Cross continued as its tenant until June 1, 1978.

Lazard Kahn and his brother founded the Estate Stove Company, one of Hamilton’s largest companies. Lazard Kahn resided in the home immediately adjacent to the Lane-Hooven House from 1885 until 1897 on the north side. The Kahn home is now occupied by the Butler County United Way.

Ownership of the Lane-Hooven House transferred to the Hamilton Community Foundation in 1951. The home's beauty reminds us of the rich history of our community.  It inspires us to continue creating a stronger community one citizen at a time!

By appointment, self-guided tours available Monday - Friday - 9 am - 4 pm. Contact the Foundation at 513-863-1717 to schedule an appointment.

Youth Making and Impact


Youth Philanthropy Committee
Jacob Stone-Welch
Jacob Stone-Welch

Jacob Stone-Welch

Director of Donor Services



Crystal Reece

Crystal Reece

Director of Finance


Youth Philanthropy Committee
2024 YPC

Make a gift to support Youth Philanthropy Committee


If you would like to make a gift to support the work of the Youth Philanthropy Committee, please go to our donate page.

Kasey Rouse

Kasey Rouse

Director of Scholarships & Youth Programs




The Youth Philanthropy Committee meets monthly during the school day, typically at the Michael J. Colligan Lodge at Veterans Park in Hamilton. Various subcommittees meet as needed.

Donor Services
Alex Johnson

Alex Johnson

Donor Services Officer


Community Investment Officer
Tracy Eads

Tracy Eads

Community Investment Officer
